What To Look For In A Foot And Calf Massager

foot massager for neuropathy

Foot and calf massagers cost higher than conventional massagers because they are usually heavy-duty devices that come with many features. Here are some tips and points to look for when selecting a foot massager that’s well worth the investment.

What to Look for in foot massager for neuropathy

Heating Function

Heat-activated massagers offer additional advantages in relieving pain and circulation of blood. Heat also helps warm up and loosen tight muscles, so you can get more from solid massage. A foot massager with a heat function is a good choice if you feel heat might be beneficial.


Vibration is an excellent feature to have in by solid massage because it immediately stimulates better circulation without the kneading that can sometimes be too painful and intense. This feature is great to increase circulation and avoid muscles discomfort, no matter if you’re trying to adapt to the level of massage.

Auto-Massage Programs

If your massager is equipped with various pre-programmed and pre-programmed types of massages, then you’re better able to customize the massage according to your preferences. For example, if you need to relieve calf tightness and pain, you might require an entirely different massage than if you’re trying to improve diabetic neuropathy. Auto-massage programs change it up according to the type of massage instead of only intensity.

Custom Fit

If your calf and foot massager doesn’t fit your body in the right way the massager won’t provide a satisfying massage. A massager that can be adjusted can be a fantastic option to gauge the intensity of your massage and to properly massage your muscles.

Foot & Calf Massager by Cloud Massage

Cloud Massage’s massager Cloud Massage provides heat, air compression and vibration all in one package.

It has rotating massage balls that focus on the bottoms and sides of your feet. It is not intended to massage your calves or feet at the same time.

You can massage your feet with the solid massage or can relax your calves massaged in the massager. You have many options to design a massage that is unique and the instructions are easy to follow. There are a variety of settings can be adjusted to alter the intensity, the temperature, and pressure.

From the air pressure cuffs and the kneading nodes, you get a wide range of styles of massage and personalization with this massager. Although you can massage your calves and feet separately, this massager allows you to personalize your experience. You don’t have to place your legs at 90 degrees like you would for foot and calf massagers. Instead you can simultaneously massage both areas.

You’ll need to adjust to the force of the ball that you are kneading. They’re extremely effective in alleviating pain and also help treat minor foot injuries, tightness and muscle soreness.

Bottom Line

Foot & calf Massager have an intense pressure. extremely customizable, all-in-one massager, with air compression rollers, heat and vibration function